Compact vacuum systems with total or partial water recirculation.
Extremely compact and functional versione derived form HydroSys series.
Capacity up to 800m3/h
Vacuum up to 33mbar
Vacuum systems with total or partial water recirculation.
- Liquid-ring vacuum pump
- Air-liquid cyclone separator
- Heat exchanger
Capacity up to 3600m3/h
Vacuum up to 33mbar
Package vacuum units with total liquid recirculation
The coupling between the liquid ring pump and the booster is controller by the DVD2, a proprietary PLC that optimizes their operation, starting from atmospheric pressure and up to maximum vacuum.
Capacity up to 2500m3/h
Vacuum up to 5mbar
Compact vacuum systems with total oil recirculation.
A single skid that acts as a gas/oil separator and, thanks to an integrated air-cooled radiator
Capacity up to 250m3/h
Vacuum up to 10mbar
진공패키지 OILSYS
Vacuum systems with total oil recirculation.
Extremely compact and functional versione derived form HydroSys series.